Calling all officials!
- posted on June 19, 2019
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The sport of Competitive Cheer continues to grow and is in need of more trained officials.
Now is the time to start recruiting new cheer officials for the 2019-2020 season! MCJA is providing Summer training on Saturday, August 10, and Fall training on Sunday, November 17. It is a good time to get the new officials signed up to attend. The summer training is geared towards brand new and novice officials, but all officials are welcome to attend. The fall training offers more options for officials at all levels and is a great way to connect with others in your area. Check the MCJA website for details.
Recruiting ideas include talking to cheerleaders that just graduated and their parents. Officiating is a way to still enjoy the sport and make a little spending money, especially for those attending college. Send them to the MCJA website, mcjacheer.com, to get more information about becoming an official. Give them the last manual or a copy of the current one for them to read through and see what is involved. Another recruiting option is to talk to cheer coaches that have retired and see if they want to start officiating. There is less time involved, they can pick and choose how many meets they want to do and still be involved in the sport. If you have any other ideas please pass them on to the board and your local officials. If all current officials can recruit 1 or 2 new officials it will help increase the number of officials available and make it easier to fill all of the meets during the season.
Get started TODAY!
Respectfully submitted by Karla Koviak